Concept Music’s 35th Anniversary Rock Quiz & Charity Auction

Concept Music’s 35th Anniversary Rock Quiz & Charity Auction />


Graham Hoskins and Concept Music celebrated 35 years in business this month with a Rock Quiz & Charity Auction. It was a sold out event with 180 people attending & the night became a real celebrity affair when it was announced comedian Peter Rowsthorn was to be the surprise guest compere. Rowsthorn, of Kath & Kim and Thank God You’re Here fame, had the had the audience in stitches all night with his quips & stories.

When the idea first came up to do something different & have a charity quiz night, all of Concept Music’ suppliers were sent a letter explain what they were trying to do & asking for support. “We could not have anticipated the amazing and immediate response we would get from our suppliers” says Graham. “It was quite overwhelming!”.

Appropriately, the evening was interspersed with excellent guest performances by up & coming young guitarist, songwriter and Concept Music employee Jacob Diamond as well one of the beneficiaries, the African Choral Ensemble “Until We Return”. X Factor Finalist and regular customer of Concept Music, Sydnee Carter also performed the single of her new excellent new EP titled Under My Skin.

It was unique event with over $14,400 was raised during the night which far exceeded Grahams initial expectations. This money will be going towards the provision of instruments and equipment for a number of West Australia Schools and organisations who run music programmes assisting people with special needs. These include Visability (formerly the Blind Association), VIP Rocks, the Sir David Brand and Carson Street Schools for children as well as The Until We Return African Choral ensemble.

Graham would like to thank all of his staff as well Concept’s suppliers, customers and local businesses for their enthusiastic and generous support that made it such a successful evening. “The night was a huge success in its own right but the difference the donation of this musical equipment will make in the groups it is going to be enormous” says Graham.

The event was a genuine reflection that Concept Music’s slogan that Life’s Better When You Play applies to everyone, not just musicians.

Winner are grinners!

"Best dresssed" Table Winners

Mein host extraordinaire Peter Rowsthorn

Guest Artist Sydnee Carter

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